Project Rogue Dev Blog 1

September 28th, 2020 ~ October 11th, 2020

Getting Started, Tutorials, and Reviewing Topics

Getting Started and Tutorials

For this first sprint I cloned the git repo, and thankfully it worked without problems unlike Io last semester. I then began the two assigned tutorials for programming team members. I first did the Roll a Ball tutorial. I had extensive experience with the tutorial, having taught it during one of WolverineSoft's lectures a year ago, and also did it for EECS 494 this semester. So, after finishing it, I added some unique features and mechanics such as a double jump and doors that only unlock after certain objectives have been fullfilled. This took around 5 hours. The second tutorial I did was the Roll a Ball++ tutorial. This involved using the completed Roll a Ball tutorial to make a simple game based on The World's Hardest Game. I followed the tutorial and was able to integrate the unique mechanics I had added during the first tutorial into the game. This took around 6 hours.

Reviewing Topics

After finishing the tutorials I began to work on some of the recommended topics on Confluence. First I reviewed ScriptableObjects. I had worked extensively with them on Io in the previous semester, so I reviewed my work and thorougly reviewed the documentation. This took around 3 hours. I then began reviewing Unity's Shader Graph. I had worked on Shader Graphs extensively over the summer as part of my research job at the university, so I reviewed my work and read through the documentation to more thorougly understand the computations behind Unity's Shader Graph system. This took around 4 hours. I was then assigned 2 tasks, adding an audioevent on level change, and a portal between levels, but unfortunately, my computer broke and I was unable to complete the tasks, and was unable to contribute the full 24 hours I should have.

Limitations and Future Tasks

I was unable to get much actual work done during this sprint, as my computer had broken, but I will be able to contribute fully starting from the next sprint, and hopefully a situation like this will not happen again.